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Welcome to the RARE X Conference Website


The Third Biennial Rare Diseases Conference, Rare X 2024, takes place in Johannesburg from February 14 to 17, 2024. This conference serves a vital purpose — to unite rare disease patients, dedicated healthcare professionals, and invested stakeholders in a collaborative environment. It's a place where dialogues about rare diseases and their treatments find expression.


Rare X 2024 is more than a conference; it's a convergence of South African, African and International rare diseases communities. It's a coming together of innovators, policymakers, and those entrusted with healthcare and reimbursement matters. It's where the creators of life-changing drugs and health-related essentials gather to forge a way forward to ensure access and equity for those with rare diseases. Amongst the academic and scientific aspects of this conference, patients, caregivers and  support groups bring real inspiration, learnings from one another, educating on their missions, and discovering new ways to serve their communities.


Through panel discussions, presentations, and networking, Rare X 2024 allows the meeting of minds in the rare diseases community. At the heart of Rare X 2024, you'll find an environment that is not only professional and productive but also deeply caring and inclusive. It's an opportunity for patients, families, healthcare workers, and stakeholders to come together to learn, grow, and connect.



