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We are pleased to announce the call for abstracts for the upcoming RareX 2024 based on the guidelines below:


Abstract guidelines:


  1. Abstracts must be submitted in English.
  2. The title of the abstract should define the topic and contain no abbreviations.
  3. In the body of the abstract, standard abbreviations and acronyms should be defined on first use.
  4. Maximum word count doe the abstract title is 30 words.
  5. Maximum word count for the body of the abstract is 300 words.
  6. No graphics, photographs or tables included in the abstract.
  7. While multiple authors per abstract are permitted, there should be only one presenter per submission, Please submit the presenter's (submitting author's) brief biography of no more than 100 words with the abstract.
  8. It is the submitting author's (presenter's) responsibility to submit an accurate, professionally presented abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar and scientific fact will be reproduced as submitted by the author.
  9. You will be required to choose a theme when you submit an abstract. The themes are:

9.1. Access to innovation

9.2. Diagnosis

9.3. Community engagement

9.4. Co-ordinated care

9.5. Data and data management

9.6. Policy

9.7. Research


Choose from the dropdown menu your preferred presentation type (Oral or Poster).


Important Information


  1. All abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee who will accept, reject, or ask for modifications or additional information.
  2. Carefully check your submission(s) as all accepted abstracts will be published "as is" with no further editing by the Scientific Committee.
  3. Final allocation to poster or oral presentations is at the discretion of the Scientific Committee.


Key Dates


  1. Abstract submissions open: 1st July 2023
  2. Abstract submissions closes: 18th October 2023
  3. Deadline for amendments to abstracts: 18th October 2023
  4. Review complete: 10th November 2023
  5. Authors notified outcome of review: 13th November 2023 
  6. Registration deadline for presenters: 24th November 2023




